The Aya Mission’s Memorial Day Ceremony Weekend – May 23-26, 2025 – Tucson, AZ
May 23 - May 26

The Arizona Yagé Assembly
is gathering together
with The Aya Mission
for three nights of ceremony
with Ayahuasca
in Tucson, Arizona
from Friday, May 23rd –
Monday, May 26th, 2025.
AYA is honored to work with The Aya Mission to host our next veterans-only ceremony weekend on Memorial Day Weekend. The main purpose of our ceremonies is to further develop a deeper and more conscious relationship with the divine spirit, and to look for better and healthier ways to live and relate to self, family, and community. Therefore, it’s essential that you bring your own purposeful intention with you to ceremony.
Please read the following summary and scroll to the bottom of this page to register…
Group Size & Location: Together with The Aya Mission, we’re bringing a group of 22 military veterans into ceremony with us on Memorial Day Weekend. These ceremonies will be held indoors at our ceremony site in the cooler high desert region of Tucson, Arizona.
A Few Things to Keep in Mind Before Signing Up: If you have a heart condition or chronic high blood pressure, you may not be able to participate in ceremony. Certain drugs, herbs, and medications have also been found to be incompatible with Ayahuasca. If you’ve been on one of the SSRI class of antidepressants, you’ll need to be off of them for 8 weeks before participating in ceremony. Antihypertensive medications must also be completely out of your system in order to safely participate in ceremony. We advise that you give your system sufficient time for the removal of any incompatible substances from your body before attending ceremony, and please make sure that you consult with your healthcare provider before discontinuing any prescription medications. Major health conditions may require special attention, so please feel free to contact us by phone or email if you have any questions or concerns in this regard.
Onboarding into the Weekend: After you sign up and provide your donation for ceremony here, you will be sent a confirmation email and provided with links to fill out your AYA Health Form and Ceremony Questionnaire. Each ceremony participant will need to fill out their own health form and questionnaire for review to make sure each candidate is fit for sitting in ceremony with Ayahuasca. A representative from The Aya Mission will also be reaching out to welcome you into the weekend and verify your proof of military service.
Ceremony Preparation & Integration: A series of online pre-ceremony preparation sessions and post-ceremony integration sessions will be provided by The Aya Mission for all ceremony attendees. In seeking help, guidance, healing, and learning, it is important for you to establish a clear intention and purpose for attending ceremony. It’s important to be in the best possible disposition for the event. There are some basic dietary restrictions and other guidelines to adhere to at least one week prior to the event. The dietary restrictions and other guidelines will be covered during the online preparation sessions that will be provided as you prepare for the ceremony weekend. A link to our AYA Ceremony Preparation Guidelines document is provided here to help you to get an idea of what is expected as you prepare for ceremony as well.
Travel Plans: Airport pick-up and carpooling options will be made available to you for this ceremony weekend. The Aya Mission will be reaching out to confirm your travel plans after you complete registration.
Lodging & Meals: On-site lodging and meals will be provided free-of-charge throughout this special ceremony weekend for all ceremony attendees.
To sign up for this ceremony weekend,
please click the Register Now button below…